Monday, February 4, 2013

Spice It Up

"...George drove to work in his red Chevrolet, just like every morning, listening to the news presented by the lady who's voice he found particularly soothing, followed by the weather report and some smooth jazz. As he turned right at the intersection, which would be followed by two more left turns and a right turn, he thought he saw a bright, white dot in the sky. Ignoring it on purpose, mistakenly thinking that it was just a trick his now-36-year-old eyes were playing on him, he went about his daily route. When he turned the second left, the street did not reveal half a dozen of brick buildings on each side, with suburban cars parked in the street like it did every morning, but the very image of disaster: his eyes first went to the brick buildings -of which there were only 2 left standing and recognizable- and the slimy stuff stuck on them, then to the cars, flipped over and tossed about the street randomly, the one Bugatti Veyron he admired everyday as he passed it in his humble little car, imagining himself riding that car one day, only slightly distinguishable among the wreckage by its still shiny logo, scorched around the edges, and finally to the great, grey, gigantic machine hovering above the street, shooting laser beams, with nothing his engineering school-trained-eyes could recognize midst the hunk of grey metal. With the blink of an eye, his red Chevrolet was also hovering in the air, up towards the Great Machine, and he began thinking of all the times he switched the channel when a sci-fi movie with alien abductions came on because he thought they were silly, and how there could not possibly be anything human about this, at all."

Yes, I know that there are as many solar systems just like ours in the universe as the number of tiny sand particles in the whole world added up, and, yes, I know that the possibility of intelligence life out there is very high, and yes, that "aliens" do not leave slimy stuff behind them, as they are not Slimers, but, wouldn't it be nice to always live with a touch of the supernatural?

Today was a typical Monday. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, and as I rode home in the bus, I thought, "Wow, it sure would be nice if something different happened today". I don't necessarily mean alien invasion when I say "different". Just something would be enough: the bus taking a different route, a huge storm appearing out of nowhere, seeing a fox in the middle of the city, seeing a double rainbow.

Nobody, except maybe superheroes, live lives which are different every single day. Every one has a routine and monotone life, no matter how much they ignore it or refuse it. So, I've found a way to make things more amusing, after going to the same school for 12 years, through the same road, with the same people; thinking outside the box and sprinkling in a bit of the supernatural to everyday events. When I see that the traffic lights are not functioning, I try to think up the most absurd scenario, with, for example, an alien ship jamming the signals of the traffic lights.

It may sound crazy, but to deal with life and make it just a tiny bit more amusing, using your imagination and not being afraid of the supernatural is the best choice. Of course, it wouldn't be so bad to see a unicorn once in a while, you know, just to spice it up.

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